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San Diego

   I just got back from a cool trip down to San Diego. I was down there because one of my suppliers, Sector 9, invited us down for a sales meeting. It is always fun down there so I was exited to go. I was even more excited because the good ol’boys at Sec9 got us tickets to see a Hank III show. Hank pretty much annihilates the stage and is always a high-octane performer. If you ever get the chance to see him, don’t pass it up.

   Another thing that I was looking forward to doing while I was down there was getting to jam with my friend Rob Molt, who I had made a guitar for earlier this summer.

   He was so stoked on his guitar but since he had no one to jam with or give him a few pointers, his guitar was becoming more of an art/conversation piece. Well, we can’t have that now, can we. So on the second evening of the trip I invited Rob back to my hotel room and after a few pointers, a great jam ensued. Rob hadn’t realized how easy these things can be to play and was ripping by the end of the night.

A little cigar box jammin

Check out how hyped Rob is!

   So after three days of partying, skating, and a little work, it was time for us to head back north to Vancouver. Of coarse in my hazy state, I miss read our itinerary and we missed our flight. Our 4 hour trip now became a 12 hour trip. Dang! We now had to fly 3 hours to Denver, spend 6 hours on a layover, and then fly 3 hours to Vancouver. 

   Not to be discouraged, we made the best of it and my co-worker Cam and I took turns noodling around on my cigar box. Before we knew it, we were on a plane and headed home.

Cam can jam!

It didn’t take Cam to long to figure out how to get a little boogie goin on. A good trip with alot of fun playing!


     A lot of people ask me how to play these things after I make them for them.

Here is a cool video I found that will help you learn some basic blues. Its pretty cool and well explained. I just pulled it off of youtube, and there is a ton more there so check em out.